Growing Coffee in the Galápagos

Coffee from San Cristóbal, and the Galápagos generally, is a unique product found nowhere else. The altitude, rich volcanic soil and humidity all contribute to the special flavor. Take a look at one way of producing a cup of coffee from San Cristóbal.

animated graphic of coffee bean growing out of pot
animated graphic of shears cutting a leaf from coffee plant
animated graphic of coffee cherries falling in a basket
animated graphic of sun shining on coffee beans in a pan
animated graphic of coffee beans rotating in a coffee roaster
animated graphic of a scoop emptying coffee beans in a paper bag

Growing Coffee in the Galápagos

Coffee from San Cristóbal, and the Galápagos generally, is a unique product found nowhere else. The altitude, rich volcanic soil and humidity all contribute to the special flavor. Take a look at one way of producing a cup of coffee from San Cristóbal.